Below you will find the solution for: Venetian canal tunes 7 Little Words which contains 10 Letters.
Since you already solved the clue Venetian canal tunes which had the answer BARCAROLES, you can simply go back at the main post to check the other daily crossword clues. You can do so by clicking the link here 7 Little Words Bonus 4 January 24 2025
# | Clues | Answer |
1 | US currency | 7 Letters |
2 | Unconventional dancer Sadie | 7 Letters |
3 | Accumulated for future use | 10 Letters |
4 | Fortress high on a mountain | 5 Letters |
5 | Line that touches a circle | 7 Letters |
6 | One with a quick temper | 7 Letters |
# | Clues | Answer |
4 | Picked up at the store | 9 Letters |
5 | Distasteful familiarly | 5 Letters |
6 | Staring in wonder | 6 Letters |
7 | Parentheses perhaps | 11 Letters |
8 | Fragrant climbing shrub | 11 Letters |
9 | What you face on a bookshelf | 6 Letters |
10 | Fairytale's final word | 5 Letters |
# | Clues | Answer |
1 | Unspeakable | 10 Letters |
2 | Spanish boy of weather | 4 Letters |
3 | Stomach-related | 7 Letters |
4 | Main point in a speech | 6 Letters |
5 | Conversation openers | 11 Letters |
6 | Most brusque | 8 Letters |
7 | The world's largest bird | 7 Letters |
# | Clues | Answer |
1 | Conduit | 4 Letters |
2 | Urbane | 7 Letters |
3 | Pizza unit | 5 Letters |
4 | Fitting one's body well | 10 Letters |
5 | Cajoled through flattery | 10 Letters |
6 | Like arms in a Superman pose | 6 Letters |
7 | Rush headlong | 6 Letters |
# | Clues | Answer |
1 | Cover up | 6 Letters |
2 | Incisors for example | 9 Letters |
3 | Places side by side | 10 Letters |
4 | Line of punctuation | 4 Letters |
5 | Show by example | 9 Letters |
6 | Currency rolled out in 2002 | 4 Letters |
7 | Where surprise will take you | 5 Letters |
# | Clues | Answer |
1 | Australian actress Rose | 5 Letters |
2 | Cockney and Creole | 8 Letters |
3 | Robin's alter ego | 7 Letters |
4 | Made happy | 9 Letters |
5 | Moved laterally | 5 Letters |
6 | Realm Alice visited | 10 Letters |
7 | Made the most of | 9 Letters |